Cyanea blinii H. Lév. , Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 156. 1911.
Type information:
Holotype [E]. U. Faurie 575. May 1909. Hawai`i: Glenwood. Isotype(s) [BISH].

Note: Types of species described by H. Léveillé are at E, including those collected by Faurie, fide TL-2. Isotype fide Rock (Monogr. Stud. Haw. Lobelioid. 337. 1919.)

=Clermontia parviflora
Note: Types of species described by H. Léveillé are at E, including those collected by Faurie, fide TL-2. Isotype fide Rock (Monogr. Stud. Haw. Lobelioid. 337. 1919.)

*Verification: None.